Get your press pass now!
Reporters for the United States Press Agency
get to meet interesting personalities from the show business

News agency
Reporters for the United States Press Agency
work for Internet radio stations or online news agencys

Reporter verification
Public authorities and police agencies may verify
membership with the USPA via a 24/7 live status inquiry

Become a journalist!
Reporters for the United States Press Agency
provide coverage on current events as well as in-depth reports

Reporters for the United States Press Agency
take photographs at movie premieres and other events featuring celebrities

Dream job photographer
Reporters for the United States Press Agency
take video and photos - of natural wonders around the globe!

Discounts for journalists
Reporter der United States Press Agency
Discounts and Special Offers for Journalists

USPA Press Pass - VALID UNTIL DEC 31, 2016
Genuine press pass for reporters and journalists
Register now & receive an internationally recognized press pass

USPA membership benefits
Reporters and journalists earn good money.
They use the USPA NEWS as a marketing platform