March 26, 2025 | 08:54 am
Excellent Choice: Official Press Credentials for Journalists
Press Card & Accreditation for International Journalists
Backstage Access: Concerts, Sporting Events & Political Rallies
Professional Status for Journalists & Press Photographers
Trusted Partner for Press Photographers and Media Professionals

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Content Publishers

In the 21st century, real-time news processing capabilities are important not just for print media but also, more than ever, for online and wireless publications. Businesses, event organizers and associations can no longer afford to ignore these modern journalistic developments. The right partners offering the right services can significantly facilitate the task of processing information. With the help of our PRESS BOX, you, too, are able to provide up-to-date news and information to thousands of newsrooms around the globe and attract the attention of numerous websites and apps in the news realm.

PRESS BOX helps you reach your target audience and potential clients

Our PRESS BOX provides a comprehensive solution for all businesses and institutions that are looking for reliable, professional media relations work in the digital age. It allows you to target your releases and informational materials to a select group of journalists from more than 12,000 newsrooms. Our various advertising and PR plans help you reach the appropriate print and online media channels. With fast and simple transmission over the Internet, news of all kinds may be processed very quickly and delivered to all newsrooms, which are guaranteed to be interested in the information provided. It doesn´t matter if you are targeting online media or daily newspapers, or whether they are in your area or around the globe.

Discover web and wireless publishing with the right continuing education classes

Online media and the possibilities for digital news dissemination have long found their way into lesson plans at the big publishing houses´ journalism schools as well as independent schools, and their importance is continuing to grow. No matter what their area of specialization or how long they may have worked in the field, journalists appreciate opportunities for further training to get caught up on the latest developments in media delivery. With insight into technical connections and the fast, efficient transmission of news over the Internet as well as other networks, online media may be used in an even more directed and professional manner.

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USPA Member

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Facilitate your journalistic activities as a Journalist, Press-Photographer, Blogger, Videographer, Freelancer, Sport, VIP, Event-Reporter and Correspondent.


Inclusive valid Press Pass, Reporter Card, Letter confirming assignment, Press Vehicle ID, eBook, Lanyard and Sticker.

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