March 26, 2025 | 09:09 am
Excellent Choice: Official Press Credentials for Journalists
Press Card & Accreditation for International Journalists
Backstage Access: Concerts, Sporting Events & Political Rallies
Professional Status for Journalists & Press Photographers
Trusted Partner for Press Photographers and Media Professionals

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Cooperative partnerships - media projects

4.1 Strategic partners

The United States Press Agency (USPA) is an officially registered journalism and press agency. USPA acts primarily as an agent between editorial offices, publishing houses, agencies and PR departments, journalists, photojournalists and other media designers. The United States Press Agency (USPA) does not just focus on full-time journalists but also on those who pursue journalistic work on a part-time basis. Thanks to numerous partnerships with collaborators, members of the United States Press Agency (USPA) may take advantage of attractive benefits, such as discounts on products and services (keyword special concessions for members of the press / media discounts).

4.2 Cooperative partnerships and public relations work

The United States Press Agency (USPA) aims to ensure that part-time journalists receive the appreciation and respect they deserve from the general public. To achieve this goal, the agency pursues public relations opportunities. This benefits not only members of the United States Press Agency but also their partners. As a whole, USPA considers itself along the lines of a nonunion counterpart to the established professional associations.

4.3 Media associations and partners

The United States Press Agency is breaking new ground with regard to publishing and promoting all types of editorial content and journalistic services. As a result, media offers are generated that are optimized for commercial use and provide attractive alternatives for operators of press-related (online) programs. Close collaboration with partners, market players and international journalists creates interesting synergy effects that may benefit third parties as well. Also of note is the trust in the UJPA Media Group, which has been established through precise analyses and practical experience.

4.4 Memberships - collaborations - media projects

  • International Press Institute
  • General News Agency
  • United Journalists & Photographers Assoc.
  • European Experts Group
  • German Daily News
  • Federal Association of german press photographers BDP

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USPA Member

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Facilitate your journalistic activities as a Journalist, Press-Photographer, Blogger, Videographer, Freelancer, Sport, VIP, Event-Reporter and Correspondent.


Inclusive valid Press Pass, Reporter Card, Letter confirming assignment, Press Vehicle ID, eBook, Lanyard and Sticker.

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